
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Integers determination

Oddly enough, looked over three different reference books on mathematics - all of them bashfully hold back determination of integers. There was determination of great number of integers in Wikipedia. Specially I will quote this masterpiece of simplicity : the great "number of integers is determined as shorting of great number of natural numbers of relatively arithmetic operations of addition and deduction". Does remain only to ask authors, how many years it will have to the aliens to sit in our academies, they will understand before, what we name integers?

By analogy with determination of natural numbers, we will formulate determination of integers from Nikolay Khyzhnjak: all numbers which can be got as a result of addition of positive and negative units are named integers.

We will consider examples. Number 2 (two) is an integer, as it can be got addition of two units:

1 + 1 = 2

Number -2 (minus two) is an integer, because he can be got by addition of two negative units:

(-1) + (-1) = -2

From the determination formulated by me quite logically do we get an answer for a question: "is there a zero by an integer?". Yes, a zero is this integer which can be got addition of positive and negative unit:

1 + (-1) = 0

A zero is not a positive or negative number.

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