
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Why is the factorial of zero equal to unit?

A factorial appeared in mathematics near 1800. In mathematics a factorial is name work of all natural numbers, including indicated. Designate a factorial an exclamation mark, written after a number.

5! = 1 х 2 х 3 х 4 х 5 = 120

The official version of appearance of factorial in mathematics I do not want to search, because I know perfectly, how it was actually. And there was all so.

Completing all letups on a theory and practice of factorial calculations, Scientist bore the creation on the court of Saint Mathematical Inquisition. Functions of supervision after mathematicians on behalf of Saint Mathematical Inquisition in this locality executed Saint Scientific Infirmities. Responsibility on him lay enormous, work was very much, more precisely, to do it was in general nothing. Therefore Saint Scientific Infirmities selflessly dug up in a nose. After this employment he was found by Scientist.

Executed in due form bureaucratic art, a folder with the theory of factorials lay down on feet before the eyes of Saint Scientific Infirmities. Infirmities were taken out by a finger from a nose, fastidiously made a wry face and began the same finger to leaf a folder. He checked content of folder for accordance to "Law on registration of papers, presented to Saint Mathematical Inquisition". Obvious occasion to say no to Scientist in consideration of his papers was not. To enormous regret of Saint Scientific Infirmities. Vexation affected his official. An at this time leading hand reached the form of Official Statement, Book of Registration of Visitors, Book of Registration of Incoming Documents, Book of Registration of Get-away Visitors and other treasures of Responsible Leading already.

Carefully collating everything, that was written by Scientist, with the "Explanatory dictionary for muddle-headed Bureaucrats. Rules of writing of Words and Letters" (this masterpiece was hidden from the eyes of visitors under a vulture "For the official use"), said Saint Scientific Infirmities:

"Your materials will be considered in the term set by Law".

His leading finger again submerged in a nose, continuing the interrupted work. It meant the end of audience.

The time of consideration of document fixed by law passed. A scientist again came to Saint Scientific Infirmities. Discontentedly made a wry face infirmity, scratched the back of head, feeding speech goes to remember about what, then got a folder with a factorial and began attentively it to study. An answer he must give today because the time taken on bureaucratic procedure made off already. Twisted infirmities backward, checking, firmly how enough Leading Arm-chair sticks to under them. Leading Arm-chair squeaked treacherously.

"You, Scientist, must know that a zero is a natural number", - said Infirmities and with relief breathed, - "All your factorials will equal a zero. On determination."

I want to remind readers, that events took place on a wild west, where a zero all consider a natural number.

"Your work very interesting. It will be really it is sorry me, if she will remain known to nobody", - continued Infirmities - "I would assist to the publication of your work, if you will add me in coauthors."

It is a widespread in science reception. Through him hacks do to itself a career in science. Suggestion of Infirmity did not surprise Scientist. He answered:

"I will be happy to be the coauthor of such prominent scientist, as you. But how to be with a zero?"

"I see no problems," - Infirmities demonstrated a complacency and grandeur, - "It is said In Saint Mathematical Limning, that any number, increased on a zero, equals a zero. But in this Limning there is not a single word about the factorial of zero. I will write an address to Saint Mathematical Inquisition with a request making alteration in text of Saint Mathematical Limning. Let them write, that the factorial of zero is equal to unit."

An agreement was attained. A scientist here entered a coauthor in the work. Wrote saint Scientific Infirmities appeal. This advanced study was sent for consideration of higher scientific leaders.

Higher scientific leaders knew the rules of bureaucratic games well. The name of Scientist they did not touch. The name of the inferior every higher scientific leader wiped and inscribed the name into place of coauthor. As a result of it a hole appeared in the coauthors of Scientist.

From the same pores in Saint Mathematical Limning there is a masterpiece of scientific thought: Gospel says of from Rules of Increase, that a zero, increased on unit, will be equal to the zero

0 х 1 = 0

A Gospel asserts from Factorial, that a zero, increased on unit, is equal to unit

0 х 1 = 1

Whew mathematics grows into a marasmus.

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