If to count up quantity of hair on a head of the person (and it is an abstract mathematics without any prejudices) results of calculation will appear such: at their blondes nearby 150,000 (hundred fifty thousand), chestnut hair on a head we will count about 110,000 (hundred ten thousand), black hair it will appear about 100,000 (hundred thousand), red - 90,000 (ninety thousand). Blondes! You possess the thickest hair-do among all people! And, it not a leisure invention of the bald author of a blog "Mathematics for blondes", and the fact confirmed with mathematics.

The number of the top eyelashes makes from 150 to 200, bottom - from 50 to 100 (horror, but even at blondes number of the bottom eyelashes in 2 - 3 times are less, than number of the top eyelashes - here even MaхFactor is powerless);
It is long the eyelashes, measured by the most ordinary ruler for measurement are long eyelashes, for the top eyelashes yields result 8 - 12 millimetres, for bottom equals 6 - 8 millimetres (here already is where to clear up not only Maksfaktoru, but also to false eyelashes);
The size of day growth of hair on a head makes 0.5 - 0.7 millimetres (specially for blondes I will write with letters these terrible numbers - the five tenth and seven tenth millimetre) is less than the tiniest division into your school ruler almost twice, and here day growth of hair of a beard already on the one tenth millimetre is more - from 0.6 to 0.8 for a day (it does not threaten blondes the same as to me - growth of hair on a head).
And some more the sad facts from life of the hairy. A day hair fall on a head - from 50 to 120 pieces (it is interesting, why I bald???!!! Where the mathematics looks!). Life expectancy of hair makes from 2 till 4 years. Life expectancy of eyelashes makes only 150 (hundred fifty!) days. You represent?! Already in half a year on your eyes there will be no familiar eyelash - all new! Horror!!!
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