
Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Shift in arithmetic


The use of a shift in arithmetic leads to the addition of terms with different units of measurement.

Consider the results of a shift in arithmetic addition. A shift is possible when performing addition in a column. For example, let's take a three-digit number and add to it the same number without a shift, with a shift by one position and with a shift by two positions. At the same time, we will observe the rule adopted when shifting infinite series - we discard the numbers of the second term that go beyond the boundaries of the first number.

Addition with a shift in a column. Blond math. Mathematics For Blondes.
Addition with a shift in a column

Shifting by a different number of positions leads to different results in the same way as when shifting infinite series. You can write the same expressions in a line with the subsequent indication of the units of measurement for each of the terms.

Addition with a shift in a line. Blond math. Mathematics For Blondes.
Addition with a shift in a line


The shift leads to a change in the unit of measurement of the shifted term. The shift is a violation of the basic law of addition - you cannot add terms with different units of measurement.

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