
Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Number spirals and prime numbers

Number spirals and prime numbers

Beginning: Number spirals introduction

All primes of the form P are located at the beginning of the number rays on all number spirals, with the exception of the prime number a, located on the main axis of the a-spiral. The relative position of the prime numbers will change depending on the number a, which underlies the construction of the spiral. The arrangement of prime numbers on different number spirals is shown in the pictures below.

Prime numbers on a 2-spiral. Number spirals. Nikolay Khyzhniak. Mathematics for blondes.
Prime numbers on a 2-spiral

Prime numbers on a 3-spiral. Number spirals. Nikolay Khyzhniak. Mathematics for blondes.
Prime numbers on a 3-spiral

Prime numbers on a 4-spiral. Number spirals. Nikolay Khyzhniak. Mathematics for blondes.
Prime numbers on a 4-spiral

Prime numbers on a 5-spiral. Number spirals. Nikolay Khyzhniak. Mathematics for blondes.
Prime numbers on a 5-spiral

Composite numbers are on the rays of spirals built on numbers that are divisors of these numbers. On the remaining spirals they are located at the beginning of the number rays. For example, the number 6 is located on the continuation of the 3-ray 2-spiral and is the result of multiplying the number 3 by the number 2 . The same number 6 is located on the continuation of the 2-ray 3-spiral and is the result of multiplying the number 2 by the number 3 .

Consideration of number spirals will be continued in subsequent publications.


  1. Great explanations. I am interested in the continuation on subject.
